Wilkins the player was a legend at the this club and will always be a fans favourite. He deserved better than what he got today. Shame on you Chelsea FC!
This blog is a bit of fun really. Feel free to contribute in discussions and links to anything funny in our beautiful game. I might be a Chelsea fan but I fully intend to rip the crap out of all your favourite football teams and you to do the same to mine. I hope some of you will stay with me during the season as without the banter,whats the point? It would be duller than watching Liverpool!
Got to be a story behind this one. Bet the press pundits will be digging deep to-day!!!
ReplyDeleteThink he was out of contract so technically he wasn't sacked. On the face of it though it was still a classless way to treat (I would imagine) a club legend. Abramovich doesn't take prisoners does he when he lets people go. Imagine given the hasty and inappropriate way it was done that Ancellotti has somebody else lined up - Maldini?
ReplyDeleteThere's got to be someone else already lined up I think anon.
ReplyDeleteYes Mullers technically you are right about the contract but the fans don't see it that way. This is so typically Chelsea and not just the Abramovich era - we have always treated loyal servants like shit. Before Ray went to the dark side and started passing sideways,he was an attacking goalscoring midfielder and our youngest ever captain at 18. I don't know what you boys did to him but he was never the same afterwards lol.
Always liked Wilkins even though he did take almost three years to get his first goal for us! In truth though we had some great attacking midfield players around at the time - Robson, Muhren and Whiteside to a certain extent and he became a less offensive player as a result - good player though.
ReplyDeleteYep I suppose you did have a decent midfield. I guess Ray's greatest moment for you came in the 83 Cup Final vs Brighton when he reverted back to his old Chelsea form!
ReplyDeleteYep - great goal but we still should have lost. A game notable for Gordon Smith's miss. Shame - couldn't afford the replay and missed the celebrations.
ReplyDeleteWell I expect you've been to plenty of finals since then mate. Don't mention the 1994 one!
ReplyDeleteI started liking him during an England game in Argentina many years back, they were showing it live and had pitchside mics and he asked the ballboy for the ball with "give us the f**king ball" followed by hasty apologies from the commentators :)
ReplyDeleteWas he one of the voice overs on the tango ads? I always thought it sounded like him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV8zGNe7Ebg
Maybe Wilkins will come to West Ham now we seem to be getting all your cast offs?
Yep Lee that is indeed Ray Wilkins doing the voice over lol. Trust you to pull that one up.
ReplyDeleteWest Ham Manager? Nothing would surprise me anymore mate!
Hey Longy
ReplyDeleteThere must be some theories(rumours).When you hear anything credible pass it on.Seems very strange.
There's a load of them here Doug. Not sure whether they are credible though mate lol
Enjoy the read!