Have they gone mad?
This blog is a bit of fun really. Feel free to contribute in discussions and links to anything funny in our beautiful game. I might be a Chelsea fan but I fully intend to rip the crap out of all your favourite football teams and you to do the same to mine. I hope some of you will stay with me during the season as without the banter,whats the point? It would be duller than watching Liverpool!
Must be worth a fiver to someone surely. :-)
ReplyDeleteNot really mate - its my seat lol. Its actually pretty handy for me because each time you lose the card,Chelsea charge you £25 for another so I've got a spare now :)
ReplyDeleteHiya mate - are you free for a drink on Friday pm ?
ReplyDeleteHiya Steve, Afraid not this week mate. Got a hospital appointment that afternoon and can't do Saturday either as I'm up at Crystal Palace for the friendly. Sorry mate.
ReplyDeleteHa so taht's a touch of luck then nice one!
ReplyDeleteBloody hell dyslexia!
ReplyDeleteI'm still checking my next credit card bill though Marky. Knowing Chelsea,they've probably charged me another £690 lol
ReplyDeleteAs you've got 2 tickets for the same seat does that mean someone can sit on your lap?
ReplyDeleteNot my fat bastard friends lol