If you've got a spare 51 minutes on your hands then you could do far worse than to watch this very old (well over 20 years) online docu on Sir Trevor Brooking. Despite a lifetime of complete dislike for the Hammers,Trevor is one player I have always admired and could of loved to of had at my club. Instead we got bloody Alan Dickens who set the world alight with 48 appearances in 4 years,scoring a mighty one goal!
Input from the late Bobby Moore,Ron Greenwood & John Lyall amongst others as well as other West Ham legends such as Billy Bonds,Frank Lampard senior and Sir Geoff Hurst. Its a pity there's no reference to the year of this but I'll take a rough guess at around 86/87 but it could be eariler.
Watch it here
A legend, glad your coming round to my way of thinking :)
ReplyDeleteAlan Dickens looked like the new sir Trev when he was with us but went downhill fast when he signed for your lot.
Dickens looked like a complete bag of shite at Chelsea.